

The Best Interview Course for Success

Many people are interested in the medical field, and some of them are made it to work in this field. Professions in this field, such as nurse and doctors, are indeed a prestigious and somewhat good profession to have, since besides earning much money, this profession is somehow giving a satisfaction because your job is helping sick people. However, not all people are lucky enough to have such profession because they are categorized as the unqualified person. Though you are qualified enough as a doctor or medical consultant, for instance, it is not quite possible for you to have your dream profession if you can not handle or failed in the interview test.

When you are applying in a medical institute or hospital as a consultant, to be successful or to be accepted there, you actually should have a kind of consultant interview course . This consultant interview session truly needs both of your comprehensive skills and your social skills as well. Therefore, you need a guide to be successful in the interview. There is now a consultant medical interview guide that will give you some advices or ways to answer the questions in the interview by providing you with consultant interview questions . This is truly the best way to prepare your self in facing your interview, that furthermore will lead you to success.


Windows 7

Kamu sudah mencoba release candidate Windows 7? Tertarik untuk bermigrasi ke system operasi teranyar dari Microsoft yang dirilis 22 Oktober 2009 ini? Ingin tau lebih banyak tentang Windows 7, dan perkembangannya? Jika ya, arahkan web browser kamu ke blog Windows 7 News .

Blog ini didedikasikan untuk para pecinta Windows 7 yang sudah tidak sabar lagi menunggu rilis resmi system operasi ini. Disini, kamu bisa membaca dan melihat segala sesuatu tentang Windows 7, mulai dari rumor dan gosip yang beredar, screenshot, hingga video yang menggambarkan OS ini.

Selain berita, artikel dan video, kamu juga disuguhkan howto dan tip mengoperasikan Windows 7. Masih belum puas? Kamu juga bisa men-download theme Windows 7 untuk Vista dan XP, atau mencari dan menjajal wallpaper bertema Windows 7.

Tunggu apa lagi, silahkan berselancar di Windows 7 News

info : PCMild


A Man Who Purchase Gold

Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, lived there a very beautiful princess. She was so beautiful that not a single person could even think of envy her. She was born loveable to every soul who saw her. As she grew up, her parents, the king and queen, intended to find her a husband.
If other royal parents find their daughter a husband by throwing a big party and pick a handsome boy from the dance floor, this royal parents asked their daughter to disguise herself as a gold coin seller. So she picked carefully some coins with beautiful designs and grabbed some jewelries with very bad designs she can find from the royal treasure room, and began her mission. Her parents told her to see not only with her eyes, but also with her heart.

There went the princess to the market, dressed with the ugliest clothing a man ever saw. Nobody even care to saw her, thought that she must be a beggar. When the sun started to burn her bare foot, there were three men came to purchase gold . The first man came to purchase gold necklace, the second man came to purchase gold ring, and the third man came to purchase gold coins . The curious princess asked the third man, “Why do you purchase gold coin ?”
The third man saw her and said, “I will purchase bullion if every piece of its coin is carved as precise and beautiful as this coin. I will purchase gold bullion if I should.” The princess smiled. This was the man she had been looking for. A man who had the sense of beauty, not only care for the gold, but the esthetic value of the coin.



Fitur Plugin Check yg diberikan oleh Mozilla

Dikabarkan di okezone, tentang rilis fitur Plugin Check...
Mozilla memang belum memperbaharui sistem keamananya pada browser Firefox. Namun, Mozilla merilis fitur yang mampu memilih plugin populer yang ditawarkan browser tersebut. Fitur yang diberi nama Plugin Check dapat menjadikan kinerja browser mozilla anda berjalan dengan lebih maksimal dan terjaga tetap up to date.

Rencananya plugin ini akan disematkan pada Firefox 3,6, yang direncanakan akan dirilis November nanti. Nantinya, ketika pengguna mengunjungi halaman Web dengan Firefox 3.6, pengguna akan diberitahu jika ada plugin yang diperbaharui, yang digunakan oleh situs tersebut.

Seperti yang dilansir melalui PC World, Kamis (15/10/2009), proyek ini juga sebagai 'perisai' bagi pengguna Firefox yang juga menggunakan Adobe Flash. Pasalnya, seperti diketahui Acrobat dan Acrobat Reader saat ini marak diberitakan tengah disisipi virus yang berbahaya.

Terlebih, 99 persen pengguna Firefox telah menginstal Flash dan 75 persen di antaranya tidak pernah memperbaharui software-nya. Ini tentu menjadi lahan yang empuk bagi penjahat kriminal.

"Proyek ini sangat penting bagi kami, karena plugin versi terdahulu tidak bsa mendeteksi masalah dan keamanan dengan stabil," juru bicara Mozilla Jonathan Nightingale.

"Padahal 30 persen masalah crash terjadi pada plugin yang dimiliki pihak ketiga," tambahnya.

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Redesign home staging with professional tips and ebook

Home is a perfect place to return and spend much times for rest and release tired after a day working. Home is not only a stay place but also a artistic media for homeowner to decorate home with material, accessories, furniture, etc that represent your personality. So, when someone visit my home, they will know about half of my world and my interesting artwork.

Comfortability in home very important for raising positive energy for my life, so plan to buy a home staging ebook includes: PDF download able book, DVD, online courses and tutorials to get useful home redesign tips and suggestions for balance life appropriate feng shui is a precisely choice for me and of course you too. Expert from style studio international shares many tips to make colorful and harmonic home atmosphere, so I can feel different aura when stay in home.

I never let home staging to be an empty and cold building. You can start to redesign with change furnitures, wall color, artworks, etc and bring season atmosphere outside to your home. You can start to apply home staging tips appropriate clues and instructions, so you can get better home appearance and professional touched. Sometimes I add personal and creative touch from each home design side and now I can get higher value from mean of real home.


The Need of Home Staging Company

For you the just married couple that has just bought new house, it will be very frustrated to arrange the home interior. Based on some friends’ experiences, first marriage is a time when two persons meet and consolidate their different style of life and also their habits. Even though many practices of living together without engagement, it is still the same. Taking decisions and sharing opinion even in trivial and not important things can be very crucial. It influences your partner’ over view about you that also influence the pattern of communication in a new family constructions.

No need to worry about making your pair getting mad with your style in arranging your home staging interior. There are many staging companies that can be very helpful in helping people like you to make your new home become more stylish and elegant looking. You will get offers that in complete package for your interior design needs. It includes consultations, choosing the right furniture for your home, color matching strategies, choosing materials that are comfortable, warm, lovely and durable also feng shui sights to give your home more spiritual out look. You can give your home a positive aura that makes you feel comfortable staying in your home. It is also said can be decisive as a lucky factor in your life. So, visit the staging company sydney to get more information and service on these interior things. And you will be charmed with how it works.



Pembayaran Reservasi Hotel Bisa Lewat PayPal

Seperti yang diberitakan di Okezone, Pelanggan yang melakukan reservasi di situs resmi hotel Agoda kini memiliki pilihan untuk membayar akomodasi hotel dengan PayPal.

Paypal merupakan layanan pembayaran online global terdepan. Dengan 75 juta pengguna aktif di 190 negara dan menjadi pilihan utama pembayaran online di Inggris, AS dan Australia, PayPal merupakan cara pembayaran online yang lebih aman dan mudah untuk berbagai barang dan jasa di seluruh dunia.

"Dengan mencantumkan PayPal di situs kami, kami menawarkan lebih banyak pilihan dan kemudahan kepada para pelanggan dari seluruh dunia yang memesan akomodasi hotel kepada kami," kata Robert Rosenstein, Chief Operating Officer,

"Dengan menawarkan PayPal di situs kami, kami mendapatkan akses ke 75 juta pengguna aktif PayPal dan memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan yang diharapkan para pelancong. Kami juga dengan gembira mengumumkan beberapa program marketing gabungan baru dengan PayPal dalam bentuk penawaran promosi. Dalam beberapa minggu ke depan, kami akan menawarkan tambahan insentif kepada para pelanggan jika mereka menggunakan PayPal," tambahnya.

Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1998, PayPal telah tumbuh menjadi pemimpin global dalam solusi pembayaran online. PayPal membuat para pelanggan Agoda dapat bertransaksi dengan aman tanpa penyingkapan informasi finansial secara online.

"Jutaan pelanggan di seluruh dunia memilih membayar dengan PayPal karena keamanan dan kemudahannya," kata Mario Shiliashki, general manager PayPal Asia Tenggara dan India.

Menurutnya, PayPal terbukti meningkatkan penjualan sebesar rata-rata 14 persen, sebagai hasil dari meningkatnya kenyamanan berbelanja. Kami sangat berharap Agoda dapat memperoleh manfaat dari pencantuman PayPal sebagai pilihan pembayaran online di situsnya, dengan memberikan pilihan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggannya di seluruh dunia.

Sumber : okezone