

Firefox 3.5

Browser sudah menjadi aplikasi favorit saat ini, terlebih dunia internet semakin pesat perkembangannya. Berbagai informasi, transaksi maupun hiburan dapat tampil didalamnya. Tentunya kebutuhan user akan browsing bukanlah hanya sekedar penampil informasi, melainkan sudah mengarah kepada kebutuhan lain, misalnya keamanan, customization, performa yang lebih baik, cepat dan fitu tambahan termasuk add-on Dengan kata laen browser dituntut melakukan inovasi.

Salah satu browser populer yang yang terus menerus atau giat melakukan inovasi adalah Firefox. Adapun versinya yang dirilis blm lama ini dikenal dengan versi 3.5. Pada versi ini, anda dapat menonton langsung sebuah video melalui browser, tanpa membutuhkan plugin tambahan ataupun media player eksternal apapun, melakukan control the smart location bar result dengan spesial characters, mencoba mode baru private browsing dan update fungsi clear browsing dan update fungsi clear recent history untuk privasi data, bahkan dapat melakukan drag and drop tab bar dari suatu jendela Firefox ke jendela lainnya. Segera melakukan update ke versi 3.5 dan nikmati fitur barunya.
Silahkan Download disini

Sumber : PCMild



Here's a question I put many: How to Make Money Blogging? Interesting for those who already have a blog, or people who at the creation of a ask me this question. More case studies is to see whether it is possible to generate income from a blog, the screams.

For the long story short, they must ask themselves - you can earn money with blogs? That was shortly after he found the idea of using Revenue Sharing in the large liquidity on the Internet. In a few experiences have been some attempts here and there, and has a system in 2006, which is now more than 90 $, 480 in your bank account every month for a few hours. It is not a type, it is true, and I know, I know what I'm talking about.

You do not know, but the youngsters already have blogs in order to follow online. These young people over the age of 15 years is already determined by the power of Blogging for Money for themselves. The name in this blog, but it is more than $ 2,000 per day - can this be?

So the answer to your question is "Yes." And please stop to wonder, can I earn money with blogs? You can even create a waiting period of six digits of the income is. Believe me, everything is possible.



Physician employees are an essential part of the healthcare system. Lies mainly in the Agency for Employment of medical assistants, doctors have a broad scope. Physician Medical assistants positions include tasks such as updating and filing medical records, insurance forms and scheduling of tests for the diagnosis and hospital admissions.

Medical assistant jobs may also answer the phone, receive patients, planning and the confirmation of elections, the handling of correspondence, billing and accounting. Clinical aspects of health care jobs are covered by the law, but also often take over the vital functions like heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and respiratory rate, preparing the patient for a physical examination, and help meet the physical examination. Other aspects of the employment of medical assistants explanation of tests and procedures for the patients, using blood samples, administering medications, the doctor of pharmacy and medicines for the issuance of coins alternatives after the approval of a doctor.

While some of these jobs are of accompanying persons, only the office of certification from the American Association of Medical Assistant is the gold standard for the profession. For admission to a medical assistant Dipl. CMA has a program to support the medical certificate and the examination for certification. The RMR certification on many more jobs for the medical care, more responsibility and higher compensation for those processes. These trials are expected during the next decade. There are numerous schools and programs, diplomas and certificates for the certification.


The shops near us are for sale or vacation rental as Halloween approach. Another choice you have children in the holiday masquerade safety, let their creativity and their money at the costumes for the children at home. Creepy creatures from another world, the childrens Halloween costumes. Children dressed as ghosts every 31st October with nothing but a sheet covering them with holes to the poor, eyes and mouth.

Although this tracking is very simple, can have more fun with fabric paints, lipstick, and springs. Used to function on his face frighteningly simple white cloth spirit. You and your child can have a bag with sweet candy or treat, costume for your spirit. The ghosts are traditionally white, but there is no rule that not everyone other colors too. Remember that an orange and black, without a doubt, this is the theme of Halloween costumes. You can use the color of the stain material, a layer, and further details to the simple spirit costume a little more interesting and unique.

Using the color of the leaves, the old, to the house to make a costume spirit can be easily and fun, but remember that not only all the colors. You want a spirit to fear, because it's the idea of Halloween. One sheet of cake that your child has no fear, complies. Color, but could your child be when he feels a strange Halloween.



Direct TV

In the last 15 years, millions of former customers of the cable, the transition to satellite-TV service. Why is this so? While there’re some services better? Since we have a product of superior quality at a lower price. Perhaps the greatest, but do not know what kind of programming is with the satellite. Here are some of the basics when it comes to live TV packages.

Direct TV packages are similar to those cables, you can create a basic configuration with little channels for one price, or you can go every hundred channels. The big difference is usually the price. Direct T V , because you're not on a network to all households, and the cable may be the savings to you, in terms of lowering prices.

Direct TV Deals offer television stations in most regions of the United States. There are a few pockets here and there, where the channels are available via satellite, but they are rare. These packages are all used local networks - NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox are the four major national networks. There are many choices when it deals with Direct TV bundles. One for sure that is very comfortable and satisfying service from DirectTV bundles.




Apa yg kalian fikirkan kl liat foto diatas..??? hehehee, masih igt ama iklan yg mereka bawa di salah satu iklan provider terkenal di Indonesiakan..??? hehehe.. itu loh, wktu bbrp org team MU yg sedang belajar bahasa Indonesia...

aku ulangin kata2nya yaa....


Tapi sangat disayangkan, imbas dari terror bom di Ritz Carlton & JW Marriott Hotel, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta pagi tadi tgl. 17/07 sekitar 07.00 wib, akhirnya Team Manager Manchester United mengambil keputusan untuk membatalkan kunjungan Tournya ke Indonesia. Salah satu Pemain senior MU mengatakan sangat kecewa tidak dapat bermain di Indonesia, karena dari awal mereka berharap bisa bermain ke indonesia, selain itu mereka mengatakan Tour ini adalah kunjungan pertama mereka ke Indonesia

Kalau mereka di minta buat iklan lagi, yg jelas kata2nya akan dirubah... jadi apa yaa???

Sepertinya kata2nya akan berubah menjadi..

........"B U D I- T I D A K- J A D I- B E R M A I N- B O L A.".......

coz bolanya meledak di Hotel Ritz Carlton & JW Marriott.. heheheee...
Yang jelas mereka khawatir akan keselamatan para pemain Team ini, apalagi yg di bom adalah Hotel dmn rencana mereka akan tinggal selama di Indonesia.....


Treated the Dog

Although the dog must not be connected characteristically humankind generally, but they were clever at could understand the order enough and undertook it like what was desired by his host, and already appropriately the dog was given by the repayment if he did matters like that we wanted. The dog that was not trained to have the potential to create the disturbance or made was difficult, good to himself, the owner, and even to the other person or the other animal.
Had or maintained the dog that in no way was trained and disobedient not only was very troublesome, but also could influence your health (but also the other side), finance and the social environment around it. Apart from the owner, the dog that was not trained to be able to damage or damage the other side because could this dog suddenly attacked or pursued the person that by chance through. Moreover, the dog that was not trained to tend to not obey the order and acted in any way, for example to run to the middle of the potential busy road big resulted in the road accident. So, the dog was not trained not only caused a loss to you, the other person around, or the other animal but also could result in fatal to himself the dog personally.

The key to the success in establishing relations with your dog was the existence of the good two-way communication. If you wanted your pet dog to have the exemplary behavior tried to understand how he thought because this will help you to achieve the aim like that was wanted and because of that you must be able to develop good relations and appreciated at each other. Besides this, by handling and training the dog well and truly since him to be still small will help stopped the behaviors was not good him since the beginning.
Now you could train your dog by using the special implement to train your dog. All the equipment could be bought from with the price and the good quality. You could buy the toy and dog food that had a quality in this online shop. You will get the ease in shopping because you will be served as well as possible.




In this technology era, human are given easiness in doing anything. That is technology take the role. Nowadays, there is iContact gives you innovation of the technology for your email marketing solution. It is excellent email software. With this tool you can be much helped in solving your email problem. Using the interface make the online communication easier between the small businesses, non-profits, and associations with their customers, prospects, and members.

This email software has completed its interface with 300 professionally-designed email templates or one of your own for beautiful permission-based email marketing campaigns. So you no more think so much with the design you are going to use. Just click on the templates available. You will have outstanding design on your email.

For your information, this email software is intentionally designed in order to be easily used for the users. And iContoct gives the cheapest price; it starts at $9.95 per month. With the price, you can easily set up, organize, and leverage your mailing list to boost your email marketing into overdrive. It is also combined with sophisticated features such as surveys, autoresponders, and RSS feeds into one easy-to-use all-inclusive product. Isn’t that amazing email marketing solution? That is what I said.



2009 Scion xD Bottom Line

For those of you who is experienced in a vehicle, then you will choose the comfort as the main option. The 2009 scion xD , the solution provides the most brisk, even though some of the shares underpinnings with the latest Toyota Yaris but offers more aggressive styling inside and out. Moreover Overall, the engine has a lot of energy, although in travel and carry heavy burden enough. Engine used on the 2009 Scion xD is smaller when compared with the engine used on the Yaris 1. However, the benefits remain.

Scion xD in the development are very interesting, unfortunately, does not automatically have a manual shift mode, and not repair of Honda's Fit, which has five gears and the economic return is better. In addition to respite, the interior presented a more sporty style and luxury, that will make our customers will always give. The 2009 Honda Fit has also been progress in the technology of extremes. Have a singularity in the proportion that make it fit more visible and have the exclusive regulation of the room is very efficient.

Then there is appearance of the new 2009 Toyota Prius. Even though the design has to be to remove the 2010, but the 2009 Toyota Prius Reviews have been showing a fresh design. Performance is not the main reason consumers choose the Prius, but faster than the electric motor allows for better use when riding in the city. the 2009 Toyota Prius interior displays and offers a remarkable when compared with other cars in its class. For example a comfortable seat, which is designed for four adults, and has also designed a versatile cargo.

Not only the 2009 Scion xD, 2009 Honda Fit and 2009 Toyota prius only have the new look. This time the Ford F-150 , has also been redesigned for 2009, the best design to sell the truck to be a bit more in the Macho and far more fun in it. Despite only three seats available with several configurations and long wheelbases box, but to provide comfort for the driver because it was designed dramatically improve comfort and provide long-term when compared with the previous design. What are you waiting for, please specify your choice, then visit you will get what you are looking for there.




tELur aPa yG paLinG kUAt (suSAh pECah) meSKipuN di penCEt baHkan didudUKi....????????

Okay.. berhubung si Ina_Muth udah nagih trus.. sekarang wktunya jwb....

tapi sebelumnya aku cerita dulu yaaa..... heheheee...
seblm cerita mo blg makaci ma
Nietha yg jwb "g prnh punya telur"
Ina_Muth yg penasaran abis..
Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra jwbannya bnr bro..

Kamu semua prnah denger kisah cerita rakyat di Sumatra Barat kan.. ?? itu looooooh, kisah seorang anak yg durhaka ama tetangganya.. eh slh ya?? ama org tuanya..(hehehe) kl g salah namanya Malin Kundang, yg akhirnya dia di kutuk ama ibunya jadi batu....

Nah jwbannya adalaaaaaahh...:::

ya.. telurnya si Malin Kundang..

kan dah jadi batu.. keras dunk.. enak dunk.. mantep dunk....


tak gendong.. kemana..mana..
tak gendong.. kemana..mana..